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Charles Runels, MD

365 Health Strategies:  Week 5 Frugality

Recommend digesting only one day's lesson per day.  Just because everything in the vegetable section of the grocery store can be nourishing, doesn't mean I want to eat everything there in one day.  Take one Strategy per day, apply it as best as you can (accepting that no one can live the perfect day);  let tomorrow's meal come tomorrow.

Bible Book:  Leviticus

Virtue:  Frugality:  Make no expense but to do good to  others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.

Health Principle:  80/20

Memory Verse of the Week: 

Date            Chapters                                Health Strategy

Jan 29            1-4                                      

Jan 30             5-8                                     

Jan 31            9-12                                      

Feb 1            13-16                                  

Feb 2            17-21                                 

Feb 3             22-25                                 

Feb 4              26-27